Somente nos mesmos podemos saber tudo que passamos, cada sacanagem que tentaram fazer para nos derrubar, cada jogo, cada armacao, cada manipulacao, cada erro cultural, cada racismo, cada preconceito, cada pessoa que me humilhou, cada bullyng, cada abuso, cada rejeicao, cada estupidez que ouvimos, cada julgamento, cada exclusao social, somente nos mesmos sabemos tudo que passamos, e de repente, como num passe de magica: Voce chega ao primeiro lugar! Tudo depende da nossa propria conduta e nao a dos outros com nos mesmos.
Essa medalha e dedicada a meu filho Gabriel antes de mais nada, e tambem a todos aqueles que nao acreditaram em mim, a todos aqueles que ja me humilharam, que ja cometeram racismo e discriminacao comigo, a todos aqueles que me excluiram socialmente, aqueles que cometeram bullyng comigo na escola, a aqueles que armaram, manipularam e mentiram para me prejudicar, a aqueles que tentam apagar a minha luz e meu brilho incansavelmente, aqueles que me julgaram, que me excluiram, que me oprimiram, que ja me agrediram fisicamente, que ja me agrediram moralmente, que ja me agrediram piscologicamente, aqueles que tem inveja do meu talento, eu dedico essa vitoria a todos voces. Obrigada! Sem voces eu nao teria chegado ate aqui, e vou chegar ainda mais longe!
Only we ourselves can we know everything, every dirty that tried to bring us down, every game, every frame, each manipulation, each cultural error, every racist, every prejudice, every person who humiliated me, each bullyng, every abuse and all rejection, every stupidity that we hear, every trial, every social exclusion, only in them that we know everything, and suddenly, as if by magic: You reach the first place! Everything depends on our own conduct and not that of others with the same.
This medal is dedicated to my son Gabriel first and foremost, and also to all those who do not believe me, all those who've humiliated me that racism and discrimination already committed to me, everyone who knows me socially excluded, those who bullyng committed to me in school, those who have bent, manipulated and lied to hurt me, to those who try to put out my light and my shine relentlessly those who judged me, I ruled out that oppressed me, which I have physically assaulted, I already beat that morally, they already beat me psychologically, those who are jealous of my talent, I dedicate this victory to all of you. Thanks! Without you I would not have come this far, and I'll go even further!
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